Contact us +351 281 326 628

(Cost of a call to the national landline network)



Thinking of trading in your car and getting rid of the old one? Evaluate your trade-in! Contact us, we can help you make the trade-in you want!

At the Pereira e Gago dealership we sell all kinds of semi-new and used cars. Our method of transparent and professional assessment, guarantees that your car will be sold at the fairest possible market price.

Contact us and have your car evaluated for free and without any obligation. Be one of our satisfied customers!

    1 | Car Information

    The details of your automobile.

    Car brand *

    Car model

    License plate number *

    Date of first registration

    Type of fuel

    Engine box type

    Vehicle Mileage

    Single owner?


    Desired price

    Color of the car

    Car Photo

    Tamanho máximo do ficheiro: 2mb.
    Supported formats: GIF, PNG, JPG and JPEG.

    2 | Car condition

    Describe the general condition of your car and mention any extras.

    Outer condition

    Inner condition

    Has the vehicle had an accident?

    Additional comments

    3 | Contact Details

    Your contact information.

    Full Name *

    Email Address *

    Phone/Mobile *

    Additional Information

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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    Stand Pereira e Gago already has 25 years in the automotive market, and promises a future based on the consolidation of a unique service provision throughout the Algarve.

    Follow us

    | Visit us

    Pereira & Gago – Tavira
    Rua Avelino Dias Custódio Lote 2
    8800-737 Tavira

    Pereira & Gago – Portimão
    Estrada Nacional 124, Sitio dos Palheiros
    8500-331 Portimão

    Monday through Friday:
    09h-13h e das 14h30-19h

    Saturday: 09h-13h

    Sundays and holidays: Closed

    Monday through Friday:
    9h às 13h e das 14h30 às 18h30

    Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: Closed

    | Contact us

    General. +351 281 326 628
    (National landline call)

    Sales +351 918 317 307
    (Call to national mobile network)

    Workshop. +351 917 111 714
    (Call to national mobile network)
